8 easy miles and eating like a pig for date night

Happy Tuesday!! I am so happy to share some exciting news with you all! (Well it’s exciting to me, but to normal people it is probably no big deal…) But before we get to that….I thought I would try to share with you what I ate today! Of course by the time I realized this would be a fun idea I had already eaten most of my breakfast……

Breakfast this morning was one whole egg+ 2 egg whites mixed with broccoli, tomatoes, onions, garlic and a little bit of feta cheese…SOOO good. I also had a little bit of slow cooked oats with strawberries and blueberries. This breakfast definitely hit the spot and kept me full most of the morning.

For lunch I had the awesome left over cobb salad from last night and because I felt like I needed to tape my eyeballs open, I also got a skinny caramel frappuccino from my love starbucks. I mean seriously, what do they put in their coffee?! It’s so addictive and just so good…

After work I decided it was time to test out running with my tattoo! Since I had to miss my long run on sunday I thought I would try to make up for it today, and when I walked outside and say how gorgeous it was, I just KNEW it was going to be a good run. *INSERT EXCITING NEWS HERE* I am very proud to say I was able to run 8 whole miles today at an easy 9 minute mile pace without any pain from the devil IT BAND PAIN!!! This is a huge deal for me because since my injury in september I have been unable to run past 4 miles. It’s only been in the last few month that I’ve started to increase my mileage again and been able to complete my runs without wanting to cry. So even though I had to take it slow and a 9 minute mile pace isn’t ideal, I am happy with it because all that really matters is I RAN 8 MILES. This also means I should be ready for my half in no time!!!

This is me after my run getting ready to stretch it out like a good girl!! If there is one thing I’ve learned from this injury it’s how important STRETCHING is. It seems like such a simple thing but TRUST me it makes ALL the difference! I also owe a lot of credit to this baby….

Not the leg silly, although those help too…I’m talking about an injured runners best friend, the FOAM ROLLER! Old foamy and I have been pretty tight (hahaha I’m so funny…) lately and I have definitely noticed an improvement in my IT band because of this thing!

After stretching I chugged down my post workout drink. It’s a mix of the Emergen-C powder and some Crystal Light. I heard about this mix on another blog, This Runner’s trials- http://www.runnerstrials.com/. She is an amazing runner who I can only dream of being like one day! Anyway, this drink mix does wonders for rehydrating you after a long/hard run and tastes pretty good too!

Yes, that IS a twizzler in my hand 🙂 That’s the other part of my post run recovery. Any excuse to eat a twizzler…..

So after my run it was time for dinner, and tonight was DATE NIGHT for me and the hubs, so we decided to go to Famous Daves for some Barbecue.

This is mostly because while I was running I kept smelling all these people grilling out and so naturally I was craving barbecue hardcore when I got home from my run!

As we walked into the restaurant this sign greeted us, and I took it as an order, I mean I did just run 8 miles after all….:-) So I decided to go big and order a combo that included some ribs and beef brisket. I ordered some broccoli because you know that makes the whole thing healthy…right? So the funny thing is, I ordered all this food thinking I would be soo hungry from my run and be able to eat like a pig, as I was told, but when the food arrived I found myself full after just a few bites. Yeah….I tend to do that a lot. My eyes are always bigger than my stomach, but not literally because that would look really creepy……

So this is the before and after picture of my meal. Can’t see a difference? Me either! I have no idea how I got full so fast but I think I’m the worst pig in the world!

Well folks that was my day! I hope you all had an equally fabulous day!


Sadly I have no recipes to suggest because I am too tired and sore to bake! But in my opinion you could just grab a jar of peanut butter and go to town and that would work just as well! 🙂  Goodnight!!!

Questions for you:

Have you ever been injured from running or any other sport?

How do you like to eat your oatmeal?

What’s your favorite peanut butter themed recipe?

2 thoughts on “8 easy miles and eating like a pig for date night

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